CLASS-MON, a template of Google Sheets helps teachers identify students' difficulties. It is specially designed for PBL, but can also be used in subjects with other methodologies.

Currently, it can be used with 4 different templates: ACTIVITIES, QUALITATIVE ATTITUDES, FREQUENCY ATTITUDES and UNITS or THEMES.

ACTIVITIES: the teacher introduces a list of activities that the students should do, and they indicate how they have done them.

QUALITATIVE ACTIVITIES: teachers introduce a list of the sessions and students indicate what attitude they have had.

FREQUENCY ATTITUDES: teachers introduce a list of the sessions and students indicate how often they have had a good attitude

UNITS OR THEMES: teachers introduce a list of the units or themes worked on and students indicate their understanding.

CLASSMON automatically creates a form with all activities, units or sessions and the following response options:





When a student finishes an activity or session, he/she answers the form.

If you use the Activities template or Units template, the teacher can always see the students' difficulties. He can also detect the most complicated activities.

If you use the Attitudes template, the teacher will see the perception of attention and work that the student has had.

Students can also see their answers and the teacher's assessment.